Planificación, consultoría, gestoría y litigio en materia fiscal, en todas sus instancias ante autoridades hacendarias. jurisdiccionales y judiciales.
We specialize in planning, consulting, management and litigation in taxation, in all instances before tax authorities, jurisdiction and legal, whether federal, state or local branches.
We know and understand thoroughly, everything concerning the various tax laws and regulations, as well as their constant modifications and additions, knowing that these provisions can influence the positive growth of our clients’ assets.
We advise the review and adaptation of the companies´ salary structure, analyzing their fiscal impact; taking full advantage of the opportunities that divert from the law, we support the implementation of tax structures that comply with the requirements of the Mexican legal system.
We provide timely advice during the development of tax audits (SAT, IMSS, INFONAVIT, FEDERAL AND LOCAL AGENCIES) and if necessary we develop a defense before the competent courts.
We also offer, among others, the following services:
- Tax analysis of mergers, acquisitions of shares or real estate, splits, liquidations, leasing and sale of assets.
- Advice on interpretation and application of treaties to avoid double taxation.
- Tax advice for citizens with dual citizenship (Mexico / EU).
- Investment consulting for Mexican citizens abroad.
- Tax advice for foreign investors in Mexico.
- Submission of requests for refund of contributions, consultations and criteria confirmation, prescription and expiration of tax credits.
- Advice to government entities regarding their tax obligations and public finances.